Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I believe the breakdown of words and meanings lies in an inadequate system of language. Language can be easily distorted and even render itself meaningless when certain words are abused or overused. We dicussed in class how when describing an object we ultimatly are reduced to using the word "thing" to describe it. I believe this just shows the limit that our language creates and we can no longer describe something in words once we reach the point of just calling it a thing. But fortunatly language is not the only way in which we communicate what objects are and what they do. Humans can also do this through action. We use actions and expressions and art to describe things that cannot be verbalized. Many emotions and meanings are often depicted through music because language can not do them justice. In this way I do not believe that it is an inadequate understanding of reality from which the breakdown of words and meaning lies but simply that we as humans have not created a language that can fully embrace the whole of reality. As finite beings we of course will never fully understand reality because there are so many lessons, one person cannot possibly learn them all throughout there whole lifetime. But the understanding of reality that we do have and experience I think is expressed best when no words are used at all.

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