Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Who decides what art is???

Well I think culturally, the public decides what art is. The general opinion decides what to put in museums, what to hang around cities, etc. But I don't think anyone person or group or people can call something art and only then does it begin to be art. I think art is personal to each person especially to the artist themself. An artist can create something that the general public might find completly hideous and resfuse to call it art, but despite that opinion that artist still had meaning behind their work and it means something very personal to them and that is what makes it art. Now I'm not saying that just anyone can throw paint on a canvas and call it art. I believe when someone is creating something they should have a connection with it. When a person chooses to make a living off of creating their art because they put their life and their emotion into a peice and they don't do it for any financial or societal status, it is then I think they are an artist. They don't do their work to profit or to recieve any gain but because there is so much more worth in the emotion and the meaning in the artwork. But I don't think there can really be a right answer to this question. Art will always be debatable and controversial, enlightening and offensive, also ever-changing. The most beautiful things in life are those which cause people to awaken and to question and to debate. Some will consider certain things art and other things no where near their definition of art. But thats what makes the concept of art so incredible, it can't be defined. And I don't think it really ever will be, that would take away the mystery that lies within it.

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