Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hamlets L.O.V.E.

I think before his father died, Hamlet really did love Ophelia or at least maybe liked her. Because in Act 1 scene 3, Ophelia tells her father about the love notes that Hamlet sends her but we do not know whether these notes were sent before or after his fathers death. I'm guessing before and if thats so then Hamlet really was interested in Ophelia. When his father dies though Ophelia probably isn't as important anymore because Hamlet is focused on his grief and revenge. He begins to push Ophelia away because he believes his love for her and women to be trivial matter compared to avenging his father. This would explain Hamlets dissapproval of Ophelia and his rude comments. So yes, I think Hamlet did, at one time, love Ophelia but that love became overshadowed by death.

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