Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well, theres this tree on a hill thats up the road from my house. It looks over this highway that was just built that leads into downtown Kent and when you sit up by the tree you get a really good view of the kent valley and at night it looks beyond gorgeous. I usually listen to music when I'm up there but for this assignment we had to have complete silence. It's of course not completly silent because of the cars that are driving on the highway, but its from these cars that my train of thought first started. I was wondering where they are all going. I think this a lot whenever I see random people or I'll just wonder it about someone driving by. Where are they going? What are they going through? Did something amazing just happen to them and they're going to tell a friend? Are they going to work? Are they struggling through a really tough time and just decided to drive to clear their head? I forgot to mention that this tree is close to one of the exits off the highway and when I sit there sometimes I get looks from people getting off the exit and I wonder if they think the same thing about me. If they ask themselves why the heck a random girl is just sitting there in silence. And then I wonder if they have every tried just sitting and thinking without any distractions ever...in their life. I don't think people realize how benefical it is, and, at least to me, how essential it is. It opens up the mind, it lets you wander and imagine, it lets you think over your stresses and your joys and it helps you get your priorities straight. Silence is one of the many things I think we can be thankful to God for because it allows us those things. It lets us remember who we are if we've forgotten because we simply are alone with ourselves, God and our reflections. Silence really can be very loud when its filled with your thoughts. So yeah, that was my day at the tree.